CSPro questions & answers

Insert, tabulate, edit and disseminate survey data
Question by Mariam
July 14, 2021

If we have multiple options and on selection of multiple options, skips for each selected are different from each other?

Answer by Saumya Sharma

Yes, it is possible to write a logic statement for multiple choice in CSPro 7.6. If there are multiple options and each selected option requires different skips, you can use conditional logic statements to handle the skips based on the selected options.

Question by Guest
May 31, 2021
Answer by Eric Eller

As far as I know, the official version of CSPro, regardless of the PC version, is not available, but you can still use it with emulators.

Question by Teddy
April 20, 2020

When I clic in Tools>Deploy Applications on CSPro 7.3, error message appear. What does the problem mean? could you help me. Thank you

Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

It is difficult to determine the exact problem without more information about the error message. However, it seems that there is an issue with the "Deploy Applications" tool in CSPro 7.3. To troubleshoot the problem, make sure that you are using the correct version of the software and check if any updates or patches are available. It may also be helpful to consult the CSPro documentation or reach out to the software support team for further assistance.

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Ray Henry
Question by Ray Henry
February 6, 2013

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CSPro databases against Microsoft Excel databases?

Answer by Julia Bocchetta

You can check for the features supported by this application on the official website. Click on the left tree items to select different topics. After you've read all its features you can compare these two and use the one you like. I believe that CSPro is a product with different features than Microsoft Excel.

Question by Scott
September 14, 2018

I can not generate form. That's the message being displayed. How can I handle that?

Answer by Roland Diskayne

This question has already been tackled here.

Question by Guest
May 15, 2011

I have a problem to work with selected IDs in CSPro.

Eg : Assume if we have IDs in questionnaire as follows:

A1 – District
A2 - DS
A3 - Electorate
A4 - GN
A5 - Sector
A6 - Ward
A7 - Census Block

In IMPS, we can drop some id fields in the program by using following command:

Questionnaire A1,A2,A4,A7

How to do this selection in CSPro?

Answer by Sean Hill

There is a PDF guide which covers all the aspects of the CSPro application. On page 11 of the manual, it's explained the drop function and the commands you can enter to drop information from applications.

Download the PDF file from the following location: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnacw972.pdf

I don't think the software supports command line operations since it has a GUI to work with.

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Question by Romeo
April 25, 2017

I designed a CSPro 5.0 form application as made in previous versions of CSPro forgetting in version 5.0 form application is designed while creating data application and not before. As a solution, I read that I can use Unicode text converter that comes with CSPro package. But, I don't have it. How can I proceed?

Answer by Robert Polubinski

I've downloaded the user guide for this application and I've seen that it supports the Export feature.

Here's what it says:

"Export Data - Export selected data variables to delimited (tab, comma, semicolon), SAS, SPSS, Stata, or CSPro formatted data files"

As you can see, the software exports content to CSPro formatted data files, which means that you can possibility load it into the older version. There shouldn't be much of a difference between them.

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Question by Beatriz Godoy
July 6, 2016

I need to define two rosters, but they should be nested: The first one has the ID number of the mother, and the second one has several lines for all children of the woman.

Answer by Sean Hill

The developers of this application released a user guide which is very comprehensive when it comes to the way the software works. I've downloaded and opened the PDF file and there were instructions related to rosters and the data that can be added.

Use the following link to download user guide: http://www.census.gov/population/international/files/cspro/start50.pdf

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Question by Khandokar Sanjatul Islam
March 22, 2017

I would like export multiple files and as separate records, but when it joins single with multiple records some sections are wrong. The message displayed is related to Internal Error. Is there any solution?

Answer by Robert Polubinski

An internal error means that the software has issues with that function/module or the data that you have is not correctly added into the application. I've opened the complete user guide and it appears that there are additional ways to export the data and each function has a different data.

Use the following link to access the PDF to read about the EXPORT: https://www.census.gov/population/international/files/cspro/cspro70.pdf

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